Farmington Valley Plumbing LLC, CT

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Farmington Valley Plumbing LLC, CT

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Thanksgiving Message

by Nov 25, 2021Plumbing Tips, Seasonal0 comments

Happy Thanksgiving Farmington Valley Plumbing, East Granby CT

Happy Thanksgiving!

As the season for thanks is officially upon us, I thought I would take a few moments to reflect and share with you what I am thankful for.

First and foremost, I am thankful for our customers.  You have trusted us to be not just your plumbers, but increasingly, your advisors on all things home improvement.  You have called us into your homes, sometimes in dire moments when you didn’t know who to turn to.  We understand the stress a plumbing disaster/emergency can cause. We will always be there when you need us. We owe our success to you and will always give you our all.

To our techs.  I am so thankful for our in-field personnel.  You have taken the Farmington Valley Plumbing philosophy to heart.  We ask so much of you, more than we should, and you never disappoint.  You recognize that what we do is in service to others and always come through.  My hat is forever off to you all.

To our office staff.  I am thankful for both our office manager and our lead customer service rep.  You have both come on board, immediately stepped into difficult roles, and hit the ground running.

It is your unwavering efforts that have made our growth possible.

To my family. Most importantly my family. I love nothing more than watching you learn, change, and grow. It is often times your hugs and encouraging words that give me the fuel for another day.

I am thankful for my children.  The youngest and his laughter.  My middle child and her spirit.  My eldest and his amazing insight.

I am thankful for my partner and how she makes it all work. Your efforts are not lost on me.

In closing I would like to thank everyone for giving me their time and reading this far.

Happy Thanksgiving from the extended Farmington Valley Plumbing Family to yours. If there is anything we can do for you don’t hesitate to call.

Brian Jones


Farmington Valley Plumbing

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